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Marti, 61, demonstrating the dumbbell Romanian dead lift. Mollie, 60, performing the Romanian dead lift. Mollie, 60, balancing on the Swiss ball. Harry, 50, performing the straight single leg bridge as Phillip looks on. Yvonne, 80, performing a resisted walking exercise to strengthen her legs. Phillip demonstrating an active stretch for the right gastrocnemius. Don, 67, performing the prone crunch to strengthen his abdominals. Correct squat form. Notice the straight spine. Phillip at his home office on the phone reminding his clients to eat right and exercise regularly. Mollie, 61, performing the bent over row with 15 lb dumbbells while Phillip looks on. Small group class performing the birddog position to improve balance and strength endurance in the core. Donna performing the one legged Swiss ball bridge exercise. Steven, 46, getting ready to barbell squat 315 lbs with Phillip spotting. Robert doing an agility drill in his own gym. Myra, 67, performing the in place lunge exercise on a foam roller with Phillip spotting. This is my humble home gym in 2003. Example of strength and conditioning equipment used for in-home appointments The one legged deep squat. Working out with a 1kg medicine ball on a rope to develop trunk rotational power. Beginning phase of one legged Romanian dead lift. Middle phase of one legged Romanian dead lift. Finish position of one legged Romanian dead lift.
Marti, 61, demonstrating the dumbbell Romanian dead lift.
Phillip Bazzini
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